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Making EVERY sales call count


Here are a few tips on how to make sure that every sales call you make works for you. 


1.      Know your objective before you begin and have a plan to achieve it.  Know what you want – and prepare!

2.      Establish and maintain control.  If questions are asked of you, answer and ask back – keep control by asking questions.

3.      Get to the point FAST.  Everyone is busy so be brief and concise and state who you are and your purpose immediately. 

4.      Qualify the person.  Are they the decision maker?  

5.      Establish Rapport.  Find something in common by LISTENING to them.

6.      Establish a leadership position and gain their confidence.  A sentence about you and your background to build credibility.

7.      Create and identify needs through questioning.  Find out how your product or service can benefit them and put it in a real situation.

8.      Sell solutions – not your own merits!  Customers will ONLY buy from you if you can solve a problem or meet a need.

9.      Use testimonials to support your dialogue and eliminate objections.  Use customers who have given you permission.

10.  Use relationship building phrases.  Would you mind if… I need your help to… Is it ok to… If I can solve…, will you…?

11.  Ask for what you want.  If you want an appointment or an order, simply ASK FOR IT!

12.  Recognise buying signals.  LISTEN and don’t go past the sale opportunity.

13.  Close or confirm the sale.  Techniques and tactics can achieve your sale.

14.  Follow up immediately.  Take some action after you have hung up.  Email a note of thanks for their time – it indicates how you will serve if they use you.

  1. SMILE!