After spending time looking around various websites on this topic it seems that the following are the most common mistakes that salespeople make – part 1 was a few days ago, here’s part 2.
6. Not speaking to the right person. It’s all well and good having a good dialogue with somebody at the company you are trying to secure as a client. However you need to make sure that you are focusing your energy on the right person – the one who has the authority and budget to do business with you.
7. Appearing unprofessional. This is the one thing that you can control 100% and there are no excuses for coming across as unprofessional. Turning up late for meetings, typos in emails and letters, missing deadlines etc all show you in a bad light. Your client wants to feel that you care about them so make sure you behave in a professional manner at all times and deliver what you say you will, on time.
8. Getting put off by objections. It is easier to say no than yes! If you can overcome your prospects’ objections then you are eliminating that reason not to buy. Often the first few objections are automatic and are actually not “real” objections at all, it is when you go deeper you find the real ones and it’s your job to make sure you have one eye on the solution you can offer the customer. However, do listen and if the no is genuine then you have to be graceful in your retreat!
9. Not recognising a slump. If you know your sales cycle and sales are slowing unexpectedly you need to find out why. Maybe a competitor is taking some of your market share or your sales pitch needs to be refined.
10. Not keeping in touch. If you are not keeping in touch with your prospects and customers then you can bet that your competitors are paying attention to their needs. You don’t have to call for a particular reason but just picking up the phone to find out how your key customers are will be appreciated – and fun as you build up that friendly rapport.
We have worked with many sales teams helping them to align the marketing and sales processes within their companies so if you would like to know more, please get in touch.