Grab those opportunities

Somebody once told me to imagine my path towards a goal as a straight line with A as the start point and B as the finishing point. He told me to imagine myself walking along this path with random objects flying at me and tempting me away from my route – these random objects were opportunities.

If you’re the sort of person who is open to opportunities then they will always be around, the trick is to make sure that the opportunities you explore fit in with your business and marketing objectives.

Straight on for success

It’s very easy to get caught up in a “great opportunity” where you focus your time, energy and resources into it and realise too late that it wasn’t the best fit with your own goals.   So how do you analyse which are potentially worthwhile and which you should leave well alone?

There is no easy answer to this but the way I would do it is to be very clear on what your absolute priorities are for the next six or twelve months.  If the opportunity presented allows you to advance towards these priorities while pursuing it, then great; look into it further.  If it doesn’t fit with any of your priorities then put it to one side to either revisit another time or discard.

Think of the path I mentioned above – if you imagine putting the opportunities into your backpack then you are not losing them you are just choosing to not deal with them right at this minute.  Once you get used to this analogy it really is a very powerful and effective way of working and ensuring you remain focused.

I believe that the single most important thing to getting what you want and making your goals reality is to focus on the task in hand until you have completed it to your satisfaction.   Don’t wait for things to be perfect; they never will be.  Get started and complete your main task.  Then move onto the next.  Then the next.  Before you know it you are already well on the way to achieving your goals.

If I can be of help in this area, please get in touch.

About Marie

I started Elite Edge at the end of 1999 and I am still as passionate about marketing today as I was then - probably more so because I consider myself very lucky to do a job that I love every day! My area of specialism is strategic planning but like most people these days, I wear many other hats too!
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